What You Absolutely (Neverdidn't) Do with AI

What You Absolutely (Neverdidn’t) Do with AI: Developer’s Guide

Are you ready to take your AI misuse to the next level? Or better yet, are you hoping to do nothing at all with AI while claiming you’re fully “leveraging technology”? Welcome to the marvelous universe of “What You Neverdidn’t Do with AI.” Below is a cheeky checklist for anyone who wants to brag about AI without really doing anything. Enjoy the irony—and please, do the opposite of everything here.

1. Pretend AI Doesn’t Exist and Brag About It

Nothing says “innovative leader” like ignoring AI while assuring everyone in the office, “We’re absolutely on top of this emerging tech.” Because the best way to show expertise is to not do anything and then talk about your future plans that never materialize. Bravo!


  • Keep a half-finished AI strategy document on your desk, so it looks like you’re always “this close” to implementing it.

2. Implement AI… Without Telling Anyone

Want real excitement? Secretly integrate AI in a small corner of your operation—like your break room coffee machine—and never mention it to your team. That way, no one benefits, but you can still put “AI Implementation” on your LinkedIn.


  • When employees notice the coffee machine “predicts” when to run out of beans, feign shock and say, “Oh, that’s AI? Huh, weird.”

3. Claim Full Automation, Then Manually Fix the Errors

The best approach to AI is to hype an “autonomous system” that definitely doesn’t need human intervention—except for the 27 times a day you override it. Everyone loves a dramatic reveal that your AI is more of a part-time gig for an underpaid intern.


  • Keep hush-hush about the manual override. Let your boss think your system is a self-driving rocket ship while you quietly patch code at midnight.

4. Use AI for Petty Tasks (While Ignoring Big Problems)

Why solve major organizational bottlenecks when you can teach AI to count the daily doughnut consumption? Because nothing screams “digital transformation” like analyzing who’s hogging the jelly-filled pastries while ignoring that your supply chain is crumbling.


  • Announce your new “DoughnutAI” project loudly in meetings, overshadowing that your finance department still operates on Excel 97 macros.

5. Preach “People Are Still Important!” Then Fire Everyone

In one breath, emphasize how crucial human expertise and empathy are. In the next breath, quietly lay off half the team because “our brand-new AI chatbots can do everything better anyway.” A classy move indeed.


  • Publish a press release about your “deep commitment to company culture” mere seconds after the layoffs. Perfect timing.

6. Ask AI for Earth-Shattering Ideas, Then Ignore Them

Trained a fancy AI model to deliver next-level breakthroughs? Perfect! Now you can collect its recommendations on cutting waste, boosting revenue, or saving the environment—then promptly do nothing with them. Because who wants to implement good ideas, anyway?


  • Gloss over the AI’s suggestions in your monthly meeting. Summarize them as “Interesting, but we’ll revisit next quarter,” then never revisit them.

7. Force AI to Replace Everything (Including Tasks It’s Terrible At)

Sure, AI is great at repetitive data entry or recognizing patterns. So obviously, let’s have it do everything from writing personal thank-you notes to deciding your office design. Because an algorithm picking the wallpaper is definitely a recipe for success.


  • Act shocked when AI chooses a “404 error gray” palette for the walls. It’s called synergy, people!

8. Champion AI Ethics—Only in Public Forums

Yes, tweet passionately about how AI must be used responsibly and fairly, but behind closed doors, skip all those “ethical guidelines.” Why invest in safe, transparent AI if no one’s there to retweet your virtue signaling?


  • At conferences, say “We’re leading the ethical AI frontier!” with zero actual internal policies or data governance in place.

9. Give AI a Grand Name, Then Severely Underfund It

Want the best of both worlds? Name your half-baked RPA script “Project Titan,” then allocate a shoestring budget to ensure it never becomes more than a buggy side project. Genius!


  • Also, label a dusty old server rack “AI Innovation Hub.” It’ll impress visitors who don’t look too closely.

10. Blame AI for Every Corporate Slip

Finally, whenever something goes wrong—be it a PR fiasco or an internal mix-up—shrug and say, “It’s the AI’s fault.” After all, it can’t defend itself, right?


  • Maintain plausible deniability by mentioning “complex machine learning algorithms” that no one wants to question.

Conclusion (You Didn’t Actually Read, Did You?)

Congrats, you’ve now learned exactly what you “neverdidn’t” do with AI—meaning, hopefully, you never do these ironically misguided steps in your real-life AI journey. Because while it’s fun to poke fun at misuses of AI, we all know the real power of the technology lies in thoughtfully blending human insight with machine efficiency. So yes, let’s laugh at these worst-case scenarios, but let’s also aim for responsible, transparent, and downright practical ways of integrating AI into our lives and businesses.

After all, the best AI strategy is the one where humans remain excited, employees aren’t replaced by robots overnight, and your coffee machine doesn’t glitch at 8 a.m. Good luck out there, AI adventurers—just keep it ironically real!


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